New LOHSE RAMP opening party. Cologne, Germany

The old Lohseramp was the only real ramp in all of Cologne, Germany, but when it ended up starting to rot after many winters and derelict kids starting fires under the transition, the city finally shut down the ramp and the locals took it apart and salvaged some of the masonite, for a possible future project.

Ripollet Bowl Party – Barcelona, Spain

On July 7th, a few miles from Barcelona, we had the luck to enjoy the first RIPOLLET BOWL PARTY organized by the Ripollet City Council, Gypsy Skateboarding and Adventures, Hey Ho Skateshop, Maccaroni Distribution, Bastard Clothing and Confusion DIY Magazine, to celebrate the official opening of the park.

Pool Block Party DVD released!

Pool Block Party premiered yesterday in Southern California and is now available for purchase direct from Peacock, the filmmaker. Peacock also made pool skating cult classics, Cancer Dust and Tresslashing. This video features lots of the best pool skaters ever skating tons of backyard pools. Rumors are going around that this is the best pool skating video EVER!