Monolito is a video documenting the whole process of constructing a curb, getting a lot of types of skaters together and fraternize with the basic and original premise of only skatin’.

Viewfinder Journal X (brokeboientertainment): BONUSVID

I released my last full length video in 2018. That year was a bit of a transitional point in my life. I had some old friends moving out of town and some new friends moving in. I decided to end Gnarhammered as a board company and to continue filming independently.

Scotty Walsh - backside smith

Australian barriers and pool

Inspiration for this spot came from seeing amazing DIY pop up all over the world and we wanted a little taste. We knew a beaut’ of a barrier that sits hidden away under a train bridge in Brisbane’s south that hadn’t been touched in years, all that was there was a channel that had been concreted up initially by Noah Phillips, Mark Zimmerle and Flloyd Rewa maybe 10 years ago.