Toni Perrone. FS slash grind.

OMSA Pizza Tour 2015 – “Italy the Land of dreams?”

…And here is the team: Fred (our International part from France and the Master Photographer), Axel (from Trier the oldest town in Germany established by Romans over 2,000 years ago), Toni (our ½ German with an Italian passport and all time translator), Dietsches (Mr. OMSA) and me (the organizer + Wolfgangster). The OMSA Team on a mission – grinding down the pools in Italy….

OMSA crew grinds down the NorthBrigade

Although not all these guys are officially part of the OMSA crew, skaters from Germany, Basque country and England got together for a proper shred in the newly rebuilt NorthBrigade skatepark in Cologne, Germany. Although these tricks aren’t the gnarliest you’ve seen, keep in mind most of these guys are over 45 and a couple of them over 50. Let’s see you do a double truck 50-50 grind in a tight pocket when you’re 50!