Sin Ollie 3 – Javier Saavedra

Javier Saavedra’s third “sin ollies” video installment, where he explores many tricks, but not a single ollie.

Frankie Hill - Ollie. Photo: Jon Steele

The Frankie Hill Interview

…When my knee blew up I would pray to die in my sleep every night for two years. The thought of not being able to push myself in skating was too much for me to handle at the time, I run on passion, when I have non left I feel like I’m already dead.


Jason Jessee: “I skateboard but I’m an artist.” Automodown warehouse. Watsonville, California. (2004-2005)

Jason Jessee is a legend. He is also a living enigma, which is defined as a “riddle generally expressed in metaphorical or allegorical language that requires ingenuity and careful thinking to discover its solution.” He is a natural born actor, who plays himself in every role he’s ever been in. He is probably best known for his frontside ollie, which many agree was the best skateboarding has ever seen.