Conny getting chased by Gypsy, maxi intense!

More Concrete Flow for Mers Les Bains – Northern France

After we had built a sweet kidney pool in the lovely seaside resort of Mers les Bains on the northern french Atlantic coast last year we were invited to come back this year for more. The plan was to extend the street area with some kind of pump track around the whole park and mixing some street obstacles in there and just try to open up as many lines as possible.

n Saturday Bela Ehmann tore that place a new one with stalefish disasters like nothing.

Home Sweet Bowl – Summer Party – northern Germany

. We built it in May in Eyk`s garden and now it was about time for a decent public opening party which took place on August 30th. Days of preparations guaranteed that we were about to have a good time whether it would be raining or not. Four of Schleswig-Holstein`s finest bands were about to play and the bowl was to be shredded. It was party time!

Yeray Menendez transfering the hip.

AK-55 skate bowl – Asturias, Spain

AK-55 skateboarding is the first skate and surf hostel and school in Spain. When the project is completed it will be 1200 square meters (13,000 square feet) of pure skate! There will rooms to stay, a pool, beach and skateboarding!