Sergej Vutuc – Painful reminder

“…what was important for me was to work with used material as much as possible to use things that we left – to leave and make an installation which has a double function… and on skateboard sculpture, for me is everytime kind of self play with things that i know, saw, skate and visions… the important part for me of skateboarding is to give things new meaning to see and use something what is not made for it… exploring perception and body…. first i play with many things that we know about skateboarding and objects which are skateable in simple way… but to see the change of an object meaning that people hang clothing and things on “artpeace” was something like giving new meaning to work, new step interaction…breathing…” – sergej vutuc

Sergej Vutuc: Something in Between: Artshow

Sergej Vutuc, the photographer behind the book, “Something in Between” is putting up work in an empty space and doing abstract drawings out of skateboarding. If you live in Germany, check it out this Sunday, the 4th. If not, we’ll update this space after the show so you can see what went down.

Mellow Park DIY: Berlin, Germany

The session at the brand new D.I.Y spot at the Mellowpark in Berlin was amazing. Lot’s of riders from all ages and all over Europe came together to skate this epic place. Not even a heavy dump could stop the session. Free drinks and BBQ made the day perfect! Thanks to Lenni, Jan and all the other locals that put so much effort, love and time into this outstanding project! – Asti