DIY Willits – California

This is a home made pool with obstacles around the deck, somewhere in the wooded mountains of Willets, CA. The pool is real good – an amoeba with a death-box in the deep, shallow stairs, and pool coping all the way around… except over the shallow stairs where there is river rock mortared in for coping (up the ante!). This pool is not the easiest pool to skate. I have skated backyarders that are easier, but it is great nonetheless.

Pool Block Party DVD released!

Pool Block Party premiered yesterday in Southern California and is now available for purchase direct from Peacock, the filmmaker. Peacock also made pool skating cult classics, Cancer Dust and Tresslashing. This video features lots of the best pool skaters ever skating tons of backyard pools. Rumors are going around that this is the best pool skating video EVER!

New CONFUSION T-SHIRTS. Now Available!

New Confusion Magazine designs by Lele (from Boldriders in Slovenia) available in two different designs: SUPPORT THE UNDERGROUND available on BLACK T-shirt only; and SUPPORT UNDERGROUND SK8BOARDING, available only on white.