Pool Boys shred fest – Antwerp, Belgium

It was the second time these kids organized this event and it was already twice as big as last year. A really nice sunday afternoon with loads of good vibes!

Project OTRO. Vassivière, France

On a road that leads nowhere but here to Limousin, far away from the roads to southern France or the ones that lead to the mountains of the alps.
A long time project named OTRO is about to be built.

Porte de la Muette: Paris Concrete Bowl

How can a Bowl be transformed from a certified piece of shit into a deep and sweet reason to visit Paris? Skater wise naturally you’d say that it is alway good to ride those smooth sidewalks they get here and to jam (sometime literally!) into the traffic of the big avenues. But after sometime you can be bored of some of the humans living in Paris… ego trip on any levels can be really disturbing for a good ride. And you suddenly realize that there is nearly no tranny in town, this fact finally leads you to leave town in search of a good pool to fill your addiction to adrenalin.