Rocky’s bowl crete-raiser

Overall it was a great day. Had a good turnout raffled everything except few shirts. The bands came later and rocked. Might have to do another in spring.

Basement Bowl – Titus Skateshop – Cologne, Germany

In late summer we started a very special project in the basement of our store in Cologne. We had that space of approximately 60 square meters and thought of building a little bowl area down there. We had small experience from our DIY projects in Berlin, Münster and Wuppertal. But this project was special.

Jim – ollie nose grab to fakie

Drop into the Pissrinne – Bonn, Germany

Down in a passway, where junkies roam and people pee, skaters from Bonn brought some ramps to skate on the Saturday before Christmas. Welcome to the Pissrinne (peegully).

Burnside 25th anniversary

Burnside 25th anniversary halloween party was a blast! The pouring rain did not stop the party and fortunately the bridge kept the park kind of dry.

Peter Boccalini - frontside crailslide

Weekend Defocus at Le Chai bowl in France

In early February this year, Jeremy, the owner invited the whole team Defocus Skateboards team to test the concrete. The bowl was just finished two weekends before, the pool coping adjusted, and a special product put on the concrete to clean it.