Manserama 2024: A Decade of Skating Frenzy and Finnish Summer Magic
We roared into Tampere like a pack of deranged lunatics, chasing the ghost of Gonzo himself. This is the sauna capital of the world, the beating heart of the happiest skate community on earth, and damn it, the warmest, most welcoming one too.
Manserama 2023 – Tampere, Finland
Finland’s locals never give up on celebrating our favorite pastime on four wheels. Over the last years, one town took up a really a massive collective effort and created what to me is one of the most lovely “skate towns” in Northern Europe – and that town is Tampere! Their work led to the creation of the infamous Kenneli DIY Bowl, the Pirkanmaan Kaarikoirat ry association, the outdoor bowl of Iso Villunen, and plenty of cool skate spots all around town.
Manserama 2018 – Tampere, Finland
Words and photos by Nicolas Bouvy Here we go again. The guys from Tampere (Finland) … Keep reading
MANSERAMA Bowl Jam – Tampere, Finland
Words and photos by Nicolos Bouvy When we decided with my wife in 2014 to … Keep reading
Berber Brüder (How we skated 20 different countries in less than a year)
After almost one year in a van, 26,000 km, about 2000€ spent on fuel, 20 different countries visited, almost 40 DIY spots skated, destroyed more than 20 decks in total, two 4 week lasting injuries, two languages refreshed, one oil change made, four car lamps replaced (not having any other troubles with the van), 2000 video clips collected for our film, as well as being in love with skateboarding every single day we are still friends. Even more than one can tell. For us that was the ultimate skateboarding experience that will never be forgotten.