Skate Punk DIY Mini Ramp – Marseille, France

It was the time for skaters, punks, hippies, musicians and party animals to assault Luminy’s wilderness alongside the local boars. The goal? To party around a skate project led by the students of the architectural school of Marseille.

Rampa Del Perro (Dog Ramp) – Girona, Spain

Santa Coloma de Farnés is a litte town in the middle of the forest in Girona, its a crazzy spot whith all volcanos but whitout activiti rigth now…

there is a bunch of old farmer houses abandoned in the area.
Some hippies from the town decided to start to live in one of the farm houses and started to make activities in the house for the kids, like football, basketball, bicicross, escalation,etc.. i dont know exacly why but they decided to build something for skate there.


We headed out on the road Friday evening with a good part of the IMPAKT SKATEBOARDS team in Captain Road Hog’s van, with only 2 hours to our destination of Brussels, where we would stay at the Brusk Collective’s house in central Brussels. Beers were cracked, the dudes were freaking out with the excitement of our weekend trip to Belgium.