
Fiesta Des Ursulines 2012 – Bruxelles, Belgium

The Fiesta Des Urulines is a crazy day of eccentricity that takes place in the heart of Brussels in Belgium once a year. Organized by the Brusk (is dead) collective, this skate-music party is a full day fiesta combining concrete bowl skating with music ranging from punk to rock n roll to jazz and electro along with silkscreening demos, organic food, specialty belgium beers, a grafitti session, and another skate session on the D.I.Y street course which was built the day before along with a full wooden shack sun shade 0 star sleeping accommodation.

Guerrila Graffiti – Brussels, Belgium

The night before the Fiesta Des Ursulines, we skated from the Brusk den downtown Brussels to watch Bonom paint a building. We got there right in the beginning and about 90 minutes later, the Gorilla was born.