Tadej Vaukman’s exhibition “Dick Skinners” in Basel
Tada’s show “Dick Skinners” was something I was looking forward to for a few weeks. At least ever since I knew it was going to be in Basel. So we jumped in Juli’s VW and off we went.
Tada’s show “Dick Skinners” was something I was looking forward to for a few weeks. At least ever since I knew it was going to be in Basel. So we jumped in Juli’s VW and off we went.
Coincidence or maybe just Strong Reaction of my searching to see more to exchange. A few months ago I was planing to do japan tour but nothing, then tokyo happened. But something inside was telling me leave things to happen… so how I chose was to fly and stepping on the far east road… spirit of untitled family friends of friends our friends were there… and I am back to discover something from me to learn many new things. Amazing hospitality!!!
COINCIDENCE Exhibition Show “How every you like our path of exploring life and looking… building new things. Words are not what you see.