My girlfriend Anna sunbathing as we finish the first pour of the summer. Notice T-Mo's unfinished graffiti post on the top left of the pool. That guy is cut for life.

Hermann’s Hole DIY – Missouri

“I guess I’ll start with Thrasher Skate Rock…. I thought because my place is in the middle of nowhere… that very few people would show up on a Monday night. But I was wrong.. The weekend was full of skating, creating and positive energy, until Thrasher showed up…” – JP Kraus

Slough Side DIY – Somewhere, Northern California

“Just wanted to submit some images and reach out for support. We got a pretty good spot going in XxXxXxX, CA. Trying to keep it as underground as possible while building as much as we can while we can. Any info on the ones who would be down to contribute would be greatly appreciated, it all helps.

Flowershop DIY – San Francisco

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, the entire Confusion staff was over on the west coast of North America. While searching for a photo, I stumbled upon this Flower Shop session back in 2008.