Oasis skatepark – Las Arenas, Basque country

Again, unity is strength, so a CREW united by the skate is unstoppable. Twenty people willing to work to improve the image of your skatepark, an OASIS result in the middle of the city, a delight, cement painted bright colors, a light source, a breath of fresh air, new motivation, bueno…

Mats Hatlen. Lien air. Photo: Eddie Think

Vert Attack 8 – The Confusion report

Every year around April, I get the itch about wanting to go to Malmö for the next Vert Attack edition. In April? Yes in April, the ambiance, the brotherhood, the parties, and foremost the insane skateboarding that occurs every year, makes it that I get homesick just a couple of weeks after the last air landed, the prizes were given away, and the hangover cleared from the afterparty.

Matze Weiland. 5-0 grind. Photo: Benni Götte

Mister Wilson Outdoor DIY Park – Kassel, Germany

A few years before we found the place where we built todays little skatehall paradise including germany’s first indoor concrete bowl and a big wooden street / flow section, we had a much smaller skatehall, just a few hundred meters from our current place.