Psychedelic Scribble Skate Wave – Offenau, Germany

“The building of room installation… or whatever people would call it… what for me was important in this installation is to build something out of dumpster and buying less as possible things and on the end was only screws, car gas… since diy is run by corporations, time is to build by death of society.” – Sergej Vutuc

OWL BOWL opening – Cologne, Germany

October 1st was a momentous day in Cologne with the opening of the first concrete bowl in Germany’s fourth largest city. Built by IOU Ramps and the local skaters of Cologne, the OWL BOWL is located at the NorthBrigade Skatepark, which has been open since the 1980s. Skaters from around Germany showed up for the opening party which was graced with sunny skies, which at this time of the year is a treat, as there was just as much chance the rain would shut down the event.

Mexican Motorheads: Towing in to monster Mexican barrels

Confusion Magazine surf videographer Sean Wood was down in Mexico this summer surfing and filming both paddle in and tow-in surfing. This edit is all machine assisted tow-ins. Not the most soulful way to surf, but hey, it gets the job done when it’s too big to paddle in. Here’s the edit of the Motorhead’s pulling in to some of Mexico’s best beach breaks.