SPRING FLING 2021: FDR’s First Women’s Contest

Looking around FDR and seeing nothing but queens — and I mean only Queens — fired up, ripping in every direction, nearly running into each other, stoking each other up, and just straight going for it, reassures the female presence at DIYs (especially FDR) is well worth paying attention to. The energy is there. It’s authentic. It’s intense.

Phil Rubin. Trampoline bounce. Photo: Ryan Miller

NO FUN INTENDED – Gnarhammered Skateboards

A love story between skateboarding and alcoholism, Gnarhammered’s third full length video, a Philadelphia local skateboard company based around the FDR scene.

Steve Wells.

FDR Skatepark – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

FDR Skatepark began its life in 1996 with a few small obstacles built by the City of Philadelphia in an attempt to meet the needs of a growing community. In true D-I-Y fashion, local skaters soon gathered their resources and began the ongoing construction of a space of their own design. Today, FDR is recognized throughout the world as a landmark in the skateboarding community. It has been host to heroes, villains, triumph, and tragedy…