DIY Dogs – Crete Days – Wellington DIY, New Zealand

I’ve been involved in DIY projects in Estonia, but the fact that these guys can organise skaters (!!!) to be on the spot before 7:30 AM and ready to shovel on a weekend, is something else. The DIY spirit is strong with this bunch, hats off to you guys.

Greymouth bowl – New Zealand

Greymouth bowl, westcoast south island New Zealand. Another epic, huge bowl in a small surfing/fishing town, with black granite pool coping, love seat, extension and taco!

Sky Siljeg. Method air to backside lipslide.

BOWL-A-RAMA Wellington – 2014 – New Zealand

Wellington Bowlarama started on the Wednesday. When I got there a few locals were there and for a change they were painting the bowl. The paint dried quickly and the first session of Bowl-a-Rama started around midday. As everyone was getting used to the lines, the Brazilians showed and everyone started going off their CHOPS!

Mangawhai Bowl – New Zealand

“Mangawhai! Fucking huge perfect bowls in a sleepy little east coast surf town on the North Island of New Zealand. Built by Jason Parks at Premium Skatepark Designs New Zealand! Easily one of the best vert pools in the world!”

Brandon Lomax Interivew

Confusion sat down at the Hill Street Cafe in Oceanside, California with artist Brandon Lomax to talk art, skateboarding, music, inspiration, and life. Brandon, although based in Oceanside, is a modern day gypsy whose stories of local and global adventures always provoke our own desire to get moving, create, and collaborate.