Grato Bowl opening – Milan, Italy
Gratobowl has been built for you too!… to give you one more good reason to meet up with us around here.
Milan: international skateboarding centre?
We’ll have the possibility to declare the municipality how we imagine our city.. .“european capital of skateboarding”: the delegates used similar words to describe their intentions. We don’t strive for that (also: what’s a capital?), but in the meanwhile we try to organize to begin the building of this utopia. The future is hard to see, but the present time is in the hands of whom is dedicated and brave enough to clench it.
“c.1.. sunk”: thoughts from Italy about pigs, democracy and concrete
Concrete is the material on which the people that try to govern us have founded their emperor of fluxes, temporary idols, bi-dimensional prophets, heroes without swords. We have grown while playing with it. While drawing in three dimensions imaginary curves and corners, we have shown our own independence from the “legal” idea of space, our own autonomy in respect to the experts’ “professionalism”…