David Sanchez. Lien air. Photo: Jaime Marcos

The Tournament – Las Arenas, Getxo 2016

The Tournament 2016 took place Lasa skatepark in Las Arenas, Getxo recently repainted and slightly upgraded by Kako, Alex Mosterin and other locals from Algorta. The day before was a mini ramp contest in Romo, also in Getxo

Jaime Ruiz. Backside air.

Martigny DIY – Switzerland

Juan, Jamie and me were skating this DIY under a bridge in Martigny, Vallis Switzerland. Some local skaters showed us the spot and Jamie tore it a new asshole…”

Yeray Menendez transfering the hip.

AK-55 skate bowl – Asturias, Spain

AK-55 skateboarding is the first skate and surf hostel and school in Spain. When the project is completed it will be 1200 square meters (13,000 square feet) of pure skate! There will rooms to stay, a pool, beach and skateboarding!