Consolidated in Baja
Steve Bailey and Roberto Alemañ head down to Baja with Leticia and hit up some backyard pools, have a run in with corrupt police, ride horses, drink margaritas, and have some good times…
Steve Bailey and Roberto Alemañ head down to Baja with Leticia and hit up some backyard pools, have a run in with corrupt police, ride horses, drink margaritas, and have some good times…
If you haven’t heard, there’s a war going on outside. Skate rebel armies are waging a guerrilla offensive against corporate colonialism. You see, after the Cold War ended the architects of the New World Order decided that they owned everything. The smoke had not yet cleared in Angola, Nicaragua and Afghanistan before they built a mega state anchored in D.C. to buoy the interests of corporate fascism. They called it “free trade” and capitalism, but it was socialism for the world’s wealthy. Its supporters high jacked the media and sponsored a propaganda campaign to roll back any gains made in the arena of civil rights over the last century on a global scale. The New Order promised…