SPRING FLING 2021: FDR’s First Women’s Contest

Looking around FDR and seeing nothing but queens — and I mean only Queens — fired up, ripping in every direction, nearly running into each other, stoking each other up, and just straight going for it, reassures the female presence at DIYs (especially FDR) is well worth paying attention to. The energy is there. It’s authentic. It’s intense.

DIY Busua Beach – Ghana, Africa

After a surf holiday in Ghana in the winter of 2010, Michael offered to buy piece of land in Paradise village in Busua (west Ghana coast). The dream of opening their own hostel would become a reality and Michedetermines that he must build Ghana’s first skatespot in its plot.

OWL BOWL opening – Cologne, Germany

October 1st was a momentous day in Cologne with the opening of the first concrete bowl in Germany’s fourth largest city. Built by IOU Ramps and the local skaters of Cologne, the OWL BOWL is located at the NorthBrigade Skatepark, which has been open since the 1980s. Skaters from around Germany showed up for the opening party which was graced with sunny skies, which at this time of the year is a treat, as there was just as much chance the rain would shut down the event.