Viewfinder Journal X (brokeboientertainment): BONUSVID

I released my last full length video in 2018. That year was a bit of a transitional point in my life. I had some old friends moving out of town and some new friends moving in. I decided to end Gnarhammered as a board company and to continue filming independently.

Helltrack DIY (I’m not dead yet) – Pennsylvania

We couldn’t see any of the DIY from where we were, so I started venturing into the no-man’s land they created. As I got closer I climbed to the top of an unnatural hill, and from there I could see the top of the vert wall still standing.

The Shop Ditch – Florida

As the frozen clutches of winter began to grip the North East, I recently drove from Pennsylvania down to Florida to find some warmth and new spots to skate.