LUSERWAY 2022 – skate roadtrip – Germany

When the first loosening came after winter 2021, there was no hesitation and we packed our vans to meet a bunch of skaters from different parts of Germany for big time celebrations


It was just six issues ago that we graced the pages of this glorious magazine with our professional d.i.y. park in Glücksburg in the most northern corner of Germany. After three builds in four years we thought we were finished, but it turned out we were wrong.

Covid vs. Wasted – FDR – 2020

FDR’s 8th annual contest went off last weekend. This one was a special treat being on Halloween and having Andy Roy as guest announcer.

Puerto Vallarta Ditch and DIY – Mexico

For us, our skatepark is to go skating and relax in nature and forget about everything, without any internet distraction etc.  Just skate, relax, eat some delicious seafood in the restaurant and spend time with friends.  Don’t focus on anything else, just that.