The expression DIY gets thrown around a lot nowadays and we at Beaulieu are guilty of it too. It’s become a buzz word that gradually loses its meaning as it is overused and coopted by big companies to sell us our slice of counterculture.
After all, nobody ever does it entirely themselves and we’re proud to hold an event that is all about giving. Beaulieu is DIY all year long but the day of the jam it’s a whole grassroots movement.
This is our fifth year and the word and the love keep spreading. From the skaters, to the bands, to the volunteers, everyone understands that it’s about being free and wild. All the money goes into the spot and there isn’t and never will be any prize money at our events.
Beaulieu has become a meeting point for like-minded people from all over France who aren’t just nostalgic of skate parties with soul but are actively striving for an alternative to sport oriented contests. Beaulieu fucking provides.
We feel very lucky to have a public and spacious spot that we can share with all these beautiful people who just get it. We don’t wish for the event to grow much bigger but the spot definitely will and we want to connect with skaters from all over the world.
So if you’re reading this and you plan to come near Montpellier, drop us a line at and come skate the spot and take part in our Jam if you’re there around April.
Hang-up skateboard would like to thank Edwarrior, the village of Beaulieu, our cooks Léo and Nath, Franck Sisounol for the edit, Five-O skateshop, Volcom, Brooklyn Beer, Bud skateshop, Confusion, the kids from BBC DIY, all the skaters, the bands Funnnn, Jérôme Chevalier, How do you dance, Lahius, all the volunteers, all our friends from Nimes, Grenoble, Toulouse, Marseille, Montpellier and elsewhere and everyone who contributes to this little countryside skateboard utopia.
Words by Will Roux
Photography by Gabriel Renault