Vans Park Series – Malmö, Sweden

Vans Pro Skate Series. World Championship. Malmö, Sweden. August 20, 2016. The Confusion photo report.
Photography by Nicola Debernardi and Eddie Think.


Don’t know all the girls names, but she’s blasting a tuckknee over the loveseat. Photo: Eddie Think
Allysha Le. Frontsmith in the corner. Photo: Eddie Think
Julz. Boneless in off the tombstone. Photo: Eddie Think
Unidentified rock n roller slider in the curve. Photo: Eddie Think.
Julz. Ollie transfer. Photo: Eddie Think
Yndiara Asp. Footplanting off the tombstone. Photo: Eddie Think
Nicole Hause. Spine transfer into the corner. Photo: Eddie Think
Julz. Frontisde stand up in the corner. Photo: Eddie Think
Brighton Zeuner. Backside air. Photo: Eddie Think
Nicole Hause. Frontside nosebone. Photo: Eddie Think
Yndiara Asp. Layback air. Photo: Eddie Think
Lizzie Armanto. Stalefish. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Yndiara Asp. Crail. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Nicole Hause. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Allysha Le. Frontside lipslide. Photo: Nicola Debernardi


Chris Russell. Invert. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Robin Bolian. Frontside corner blaster. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Raven Tershy. Styling out a frontside stand up grind. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Pedro Barros. Backside boned out air into the bank. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Kevin Kowalski. Invert on the tombstone. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Muillo Peres. Frontside corner air. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Kevin Kowalski. Backside boneless. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Jack Fardell. Noseblunt slide. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Ivan Federico. Judo air. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Greyson Fletcher. Classic one foot ollie. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Cory Juneau. Nosegrind. Photo: Eddie Think
Mark Scott. Hand plant spine transfer. Photo: Eddie Think
Kevin Kowalski. Backsmith. Photo: Eddie Think
Grant Taylor. Frontside 50-50. Photo: Eddie Think
Kevin Kowlaski. Invert. Photo: Eddie Think
Kevin Kowlaski. Invert. Photo: Eddie Think
Cory Juneau. Kickflip melon grab. Photo: Eddie Think
Collin Graham blasting a boneless through the corner. Photo: Eddie Think
Don’t know his name, but maybe you do. Blasting the corner. Photo: Eddie Think
While all just a blur for Greyson Fletcher some dude in a Vert Attack shirt shows off his pro-skater autographs while blocking Eddie’s shots. Photo: Eddie Think
Grant Taylor. Frontside ollie. Photo: Eddie Think
Cory Juneau. Frontside slide and roll. Photo: Eddie Think
Grant Taylor. Wallie grab in. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Cory Juneau. Nosegrind. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Cory Juneau. Backside invert. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Another angle of Collin Graham’s boneless through the corner. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Chris Russell. Tailgrab. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Brad McClain. Front smith in the corner. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Collin Graham. Photo: Nicola Debernardi
Alex Sorgente. Frontside tailgrab. Photo: Nicola Debernardi

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