Bliss Bowl extension – Portland, Oregon
The new wall came out pretty gnarly, but it really added a challenging feature to the bowl. With DIY spots we get to experiment and take risks, and this time it paid off!
The new wall came out pretty gnarly, but it really added a challenging feature to the bowl. With DIY spots we get to experiment and take risks, and this time it paid off!
As hallows eve rolled around this year , Burnside skatepark celebrated its 32 years of life. 32 years of DIY skateboarding that has endured its surroundings of urban development.
The skarty was to celebrate the ramp finally being layered in skatelite after only having a plywood layer for the six years since it has been built. Also, I was home for Christmas so we made a holiday party out of it. Rippers from New York, New Jersey, and Pensylvania all came out and destroyed….