Les Abattoirs Skatepark DIY section in Fribourg, Switzerland

The inauguration of the new section of Les Abattoires Skatepark (the Slaughter House Station) was on the 19th of March in Fribourg, Switzerland with the premier of Pontus Alv’s new film “I like it here inside my mind, don’t wake me this time.

Antti Vierola. 5-0 nose grab while Juuso Aalto is working. Photo: Samu Karvonen

Suvilahti DIY skatepark – Helsinki, Finland

We had this small skatepark in the early 90s where we built skateable obstacles. Some neighbors complained about the noise and the city people tore it down. We didn’t have a permit to build anything but that didn’t stop us because there was no other skatepark anywhere near. We ended up building several different parks but every one of those were destroyed by the city of Helsinki….

Filming. Me and Krzysiek Poskrobko. Gdańsk, Poland. Photo: Kuba Baczkowski

Grey Area – putting Polish skateboarding on the Euro map

Last year came out new polish skateboard movie Grey Area. Everybody was super hyped. Dirty spots, DIY concrete and creativity on board. We interviewed Kuba Kaczmarczyk, the guy behind the whole thing, to ask some haunting questions.

Tomas Krnavek nosegrinding the central obstacle.

Garage: DIY or CRY, beers and rock´n´roll – Czech Republic

Never ending beer discussions had to stop. Every one of us wanted to build something and it was time to get radical. One day around 2 o´clock in the morning we were enlightened! We found the message carved in our table at the bar. We finished a few more beers (and a few shots), got the whole crew together and started to search for the spot.

Wallie Cup – Montréal, Canada

On the 27th of October, 2012, the National Wallie Cup took place in Montréal. Originally invented by Pontus Alv, owner of Polar Skateboards in Sweden, Yan Tremblay the head behind Projet45 and as of recently, owner of YTdistribution, threw the same contest this year in Montréal, before hurricanes or earthquakes come to destroy our lovely Canada.

Malmö DIY – Sibbarp Skatepark. 2011

Malmö DIY was the 3rd annual event at the Sibbarp skatepark in Malmö, Sweden. It’s not about the Sibbarp skatepark being D.I.Y., it was build by CONCREATURES, a skatepark construction company ran in Sweden by Dave Toms and Jezza from Australia. The D.I.Y. event focuses on things like grip tape workshops (hosted this year by Zarosh) and other small skater led organizations that are doing their own thing, big or small, without corporate funding. BBQ, bands, Servant shoes for sale on the hood of the Servant van.. you know… no corporate bullshit. Just a small skate event, everyone having a good time, with some full on skateboarding action.

Mellow Park DIY: Berlin, Germany

The session at the brand new D.I.Y spot at the Mellowpark in Berlin was amazing. Lot’s of riders from all ages and all over Europe came together to skate this epic place. Not even a heavy dump could stop the session. Free drinks and BBQ made the day perfect! Thanks to Lenni, Jan and all the other locals that put so much effort, love and time into this outstanding project! – Asti