Nothing Less – a skateboard film

Film / edit / words by Kristijan Stramic

A little story behind the film:

There’s the majority that fits in a societal box.And then there’s a group of people who jump right out of that too-tightly fitting box, set it on fire and create their own set of rules.In this community, common social expectations and prejudice are erased. Here, the understanding of sheer freedom, of expression, is undeniable and impossible to ignore, impossible to diminish.

What connects them are those deeper roots of sometimes gentle rebelliousness, sometimes fierce power and innate joy but always—always—the community and the never ending thirst for freedom.

Connection found even in moments of complete solitude, without unnecessary words spoken or glances shared.


Sometimes the only conversation—the only explanation—needed is the noise of rubber and wood on pavement.

Nothing else. Nothing less.

   – Kristijan Stramic @kristijanstramic

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