Turkey Neck Ditch: Oaktown CA
Who gives a shit if the best DIY in Northern California is right down the street? If you see something that needs to be built you build it! Gerardo and his crew of turkey necks spotted this ditch on the side of the road and quickly added a sweet 1/4 pipe on the top and created a super fun spot for the bro’s. As long as you watch for deadly traffic and nosey ass community watch pricks you’ll be assured a sweet time.
Builders: The Turkey Neck crew
How to get in: Pull over and shred

SJ Spots: San Jose CA
Almost missed out on the SJ spots but the intel came to us a couple days before deadline and we squeezed em in just in time. With our drunk tour guide at the helm we hit the bridge spot first then bagged the dude cuz he was too wasted to function and found spot #2 on our own. The bridge is killer and the tilt mode spot is just ok. Not even sure if its called the tilt mode spot but for lack of a better name that’s what we are going with. Definitely worth a roll if your in the area.
Builders: Have no idea
How to get in: Ask for directions if your at the Roosevelt skatepark – you’ll get the scoop on both from someone.
Tilt Mode DIY

San Jose Bridge Spot (Wastelands)

The Bearded Gato: Sacramento CA
The Bearded Gato is a perfect mesh of, beard growing farm, cat sanctuary and fun ass DIY. Even when your hungover on mushroom tea the sesh is hot and the cats are still purring. Try to contact Jesse Charlton, the Cathcart brothers or “mister know it all” John Worthington if your trying to hit up this spot. Bring a good attitude, some weed, beard lube or kitty litter if your trying to get invited back.
Builders: Jesse Charlton, the Cathcart Brothers and some other heads I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting.

Manzanita Wall: Sacramento CA
The Manzanita wall is one of the oldest and crustiest diy’s in Northern California. Don’t let all the rad tricks you’ve seen fool though, this spot is fucked to ride. If you don’t have a car or motorcycle pulling you in don’t worry about getting anything good here – you’d be better off just smoking crack with the locals.
Builders: Not sure?
How to get in: Open to all and shredded by few.

Filmed / edited by Bruce Rodela
For PART ONE go to: www.confuzine.com/2016/10/06/the-almost-complete-guide-to-nor-cals-diy-spots/
For PART TWO go to: www.confuzine.com/2016/10/11/the-almost-complete-guide-to-nor-cals-diy-spots-part-2/
For PART FOUR go to: www.confuzine.com/2016/11/05/the-almost-complete-guide-to-nor-cals-diy-spots-part-4/