Cachagua Land, Monterey Area
Cachagua Land is a must ride! Unbelievable vibe, killer area and the best hosts around. Sweet thing is you don’t need to know anyone to get in, all’s you do is make a reservation and your guaranteed to sesh. Not sure if it is, but I believe Cachagua Land to be the only Airbnb DIY destination in the world? If I’m wrong who gives a shit? The only thing you need to care about is making reservations for this must ride spot – if it’s not it should be on everyones bucket list.
Builders: Zarosh and crew
How to get in: Google search “OM Oasis – Country tranquil retreat” and get your trip planned today

Adam’s Bowl: Willits
These Willits guys are some of the best builders in Northern California. The world famous Lincoln Nass lives up here and has his hands in probably every build in this area and beyond. The planning that went into constructing Adam’s bowl, on the side of the hill it sits on, is redneck engineering at its best. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to sample the other spots in the area due to a prior engagement with a pirate ship built out of psilocybin.
Builders: Adam, Lincoln and the rest of their crew.
How to get in: Good luck, not even sure how we got in.

Pat Black’s Ponderosa, Point Arena
The only wooden spot included in this article belongs to the world famous Pat Black. Not your usual ramp due to the fact that Pat milled all the wood himself – if that isn’t fucking DIY I don’t know what is. This prodigious looking pirate ship, located well off the grid, is a skateboarder’s perfect weekend camping destination. If you can get in, get in, make sure to bring your dirt board if you have one and beware of the acid taking Samsquanches roaming the property. Shit gets real Area 51 out there if you let it.
Builders: 100% milled, 100% screwed, 100% layered, 100% designed by Pat himself… Just kidding, I have no idea who helped Pat. Probably too many to mention anyway.
How to get in: Buy Pat Black a beer or 12.

Filmed / edited by Bruce Rodela
For PART ONE go to:
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