
A collection of pictures taken during the filming of “Warriorski” a 2022 video edit by Julien Papen

CONFUSION IN BERLIN – Shitfootmongoland x Betonhausen

Confusion headed up to Berlin for the Shitfootmongoland independent, skater-owned tradeshow and ended up hanging with the Warriors and the Jean Jaques possee from Belgium at the Betonhausen DIY outdoor concrete bowl…

Martino Cattaneo. Airing out in the deepend.

New concrete bowl in Gmunden – Austria

since the big wooden spine miniramp had to be torn down due to constant wear and tear over the years, the park definitely needed a lift up. So Michael was once more able to convince conservative politicians to spend money, this time on a concrete bowl and he raised some more dough from sponsors out of the skate scene as well to fill the last financial void …