Bergfest 2024: Monsterbowl in Münster, Germany

When people hear “Bergfest at the Monsterbowl” most probably think back several years. They recall names like Emmanuel Guzman, Robie Brockel, Ben Hatchel, Tim Bijsterfeld, Jürgen Horward, and Jaime Mateu on the registration papers.

PARK(ing) Day – Münster, Germany

On September 18, 2020 – World Wide PARK(ing) Day –  activists block city streets in an effort to take back the space all those cars occupy all the time. Few things are more annoying and useless than cars in a city. We, as skateboarders, are pretty much used to “repurposing city space”, so we decided to build a little ramp with the help of our local “BTC” D.I.Y. Crew. We added some beers to the equation and it all went down as a memorable afternoon.


From April 21st to 25th our lurking class team went on a little Easter trip heading to Hard at Bodensee (Austria). Starting on Thursday evening we arrived late at night in Stuttgart (Germany) to meet up with the guys from Koloss to have a little sesh at the museum bowl and to have a shelter for the first night.