10 years ago the guys from Concrete Dreams skateparks started building their DIY skatepark in Mechelen, Belgium in order to test out different buildingtechniques. As soon as you take a look at the park, you know it isn’t the easiest to skate. Big walls, love seats, a pool, a street section. It has a bit of everything. No wonder that it has produced some creative skaters over the years like Jarne Verbruggen. Enough reasons for Jean Jaques Distribution to honour it with a proper birthday bash.
Main event of the day was the contest with a whopping 5000 euro to hand out in all sorts of categories: Best of Best trick, High Flyer, MVP, Style for Miles, Best Transfer and Bowl Jam. You know it’s a unique skatepark when international heavyweights like CJ Collins, Bjørn Lillesøe, Adrien Bulard, Tim Zom and others decide to travel hours (just like me) to attend a birthdaybash. Don’t underestimate the locals though as guys like Jeroen Bruggeman and Pieter Decuster know how to tackle the best lines in the park.
Not only was the contest of the highest quality, there was plenty of other things to do. Always wanted a tattoo? You could get one from one of four artists. Wanted to do karaoke? Falus skateboarding had you covered. Besides all that there was a photography gallery, skatemovie screenings, Djs and also live music from local bands Opium Heathen, Adverse96, Rich Widows, Dead Letter Box and To the Bone.
I’ll let the photo’s do the rest of the talking but I can’t wait to see the videos to completely grasp what happened that day/night. Happy birthday to one of the best parks in Belgium and I’m curious to see how the park will evolve in the next decade.
Words by Rafaël Bracke @rafaelbrck
Photos by Rafaël Bracke @rafaelbrck and Jo Van Esbroeck @jove1973

“contest” results:
- High Flyer: Bjorn Lillesoe (DK) 700€
- Best Transfer: Tim Zom (NL) 700€
- Firing Line: Jens Pepermans (BE) 700€
- Best Of Best Trick: Tim Rebensdorf (GER) 700€
- Smooth Operator: Simon Bannerot (CAN) Eagletone guitar
- Pool Shredder: Sox Watkins (UK) we’ll get you an Eagletone guitar man
- Style for Miles and batteries overloaded: Pieter De Clus (BE) 700€
- MVP: Tim Rebensdorf (GER) 1000€ and a guitar