Warriors Family – Protagonist Arrogance

No ego and no team, the session is what matters and does the talking.

“Protagonist arrogance” is about representing the sessions we had the last three years and the Warriors Family as a whole. The opposition with personal ego and the concept of “team” as a marketing tool, it’s the way we go for this one. The video features riders from all over Switzerland (from the originals to the closest friends and the new generations) as well as some interesting spots and clips.

This video is one of the firsts projects since we changed our organization and got away from business interests. We now are a non profit association that wants to unite and support projects born from the crew and based only on contacts made on the personal level.

Roy Clavadetscher

Sean Nguyen, Alan Maag, Skibi Bobaj, Roy Clavadetscher, Dennis Gallicchio, Andres Bignasca, the Warriors and friends.

Fabrizio Lucchini, Simone Chiolerio, Roy Clavadetscher, Matteo Terrani, Dennis Gallicchio, Daniel ‘Schianta’ Lepori, Livio Gritti, Igor Fardin, Andres Bignasca, Federico Boldini, Kevin Blaser, Niki Paltenghi, Gilles Gallicchio, Daniele ‘Testa’ Cereghetti, Alex Treter, Marcel Samesand, Sebastian Gandt, Manu Rezzonico, Luciano Simonetti, Moris Freiburghaus, Stephan Willi, Francesco Ghielmetti, Dino Brandao, Will Twala, Simone Bignasca, Adrien Marco, Mark Flückiger, Sven Kilchenmann, Timmey, Batti, Enrico Giovannini, Emanuele Pizzali, Kilian Zehnder, Mirco Bitterli, Martino Cattaneo, Gian Matteuzzi, Damian & Lucio Stamerra, Simone ‘Sacco’ Cera.

Pink Floyd
Dark Side Of The Moon

‘People Are Strange’
VA – A Psych Tribute to the Doors

The Black Keys
“I Got Mine”
Attack & Release

The Soft Moon

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