“On October 6th, we tried for the 4th time to have the Pool Session in La Kantera organized by Skate Eskola. The children could skate the other part of the skate park, for two hours, but the rain started, and the organization decided to make some fun, for example the biggest power slides, the best trick in the ramp, etc.
A lot of people skated, like Sergio Cadena, Ian Campbell, Julen Arizmendi, Paul Tellez, Javi Txudo, Kako…. and more, but the rain made the pool session impossible. Next year we will do it again, hopefully without the rain!
Thank you very much all the sponsors, Alikate, Hydroponic, Pocos pero Locos, Clan, Jart, Ratta skateboards, Carhartt, Riding, Kako, Vans, Fuck, Styling, Getxo Skate Klub.”
Words + photos: Borja Casas (except where noted)
Additional photos by: Margen Izquierda, Rafael Sanchez, Tryit, and Pablo Rubia.

The pool session was canceled, so the locals put some stairs up in the pool a few days later and had an “over the stairs” session, which can be seen in issue #6 of Confusion Magazine, but we couldn’t resist a little sneak preview.

For more radical stair action, you have to check out issue #6 of Confusion Magazine!