Chuck Pontone – Interview

Photos by Andrew Sergeant, Coburn Huff, Longwood Skarty & Frylepile

Eggplant at FDR. Photo: Andrew Sergeant

Chuck Pontone doesn’t say much.
He lets his skating do the talking.

Favorite nickname?  The Left Handed Pimp
Favorite weed strain?  Fisherman’s Friend
Favorite beer?  Busch
Ollie to fakie or fakie ollie?  Ollie to fakie
How many beers do you shotgun in a session? Depends on the session
Bong, bowl, blunt, joint, or spliff?  All of them
Boards?  Bacon Skateboards
Penrose pool coping, federal stone pool coping, or tedder stone pool coping?  Penrose
California pools or Arizona pools?  Arizona
Current residence?  Denver, Colorado
Right handed or left handed kidneys?  Left handed
Are you fiending?  Yes

Indy Fastplant to fakie. Hollywood California. Photo: Andrew Sergeant
Nosegrind Tailgrab on some heavy meatloaf coping in El Centro, California. Photo: Andrew Sergeant
Slob Fastplant. Phoenix, Arizona Photo: Coburn Huff
Backside smith grind over the steps in southern California. Photo: Andrew Sergeant
Eggplant. Photo. Andrew Sergeant
Frontside air over the diving board in New Mexico. Photo: Coburn Huff
Slob Fastplant on Manramp. Photo: Longwood Skarty
Fast Plant in Arvada, Colorado. Photo: Coburn Huff
Sweeper. Photo: Longwood Skarty
Pivot Fakie. Fresno, California. Photo: Frylepile
Backside Boneless on Manramp. Photo: Longwood Skarty
Frontside invert. Photo: Coburn Huff
Invert. Photo: Longwood Skarty
Backside Air. Photo: Longwood Skarty
Frontside invert. Photo: Coburn Huff
Frontside Nosepick Tailgrab. Photo: Coburn Huff
Invert. Photo: Coburn Huff
Backside Air in Lafayette, Colorado. Photo: Coburn Huff
Fakie Invert. Photo: Andrew Sergeant
Frontside Nosegrind Tailgrab in southern California. Photo: Andrew Sergeant


Congrats to Chuck Pontone for turning pro for BACON SKATEBOARDS!

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