Coping Bash 3 – SBC Restaurant – Vancouver, Canada

Presented by Skull Skates in celebration of their 40th anniversary year, Coping Bash 3 is the third incarnation of an event that has quickly exploded into Western Canada’s largest indoor ramp contest.

Kevin Kowalski dials it in across the custom pool blocks somewhere in Japan. Photo: Bryce Kanights

Lifeblood Skateboards: Unfinished Business – Lockwalski in Japan

Lifeblood Skateboards’ Kevin Kowalski and Cody Lockwood visited Japan in October of 2015 and met up with the Felem Skates crew to tear into an assortment of terrain. It was an amazing adventure skating the sickest spots backed by a genuine hospitality that goes off the charts. Unfortunately, upon their return home several of the recorded digital clips either went missing or ended up stuck on corrupt hard drives…

Ross Brunton. Boneless

Meanwhile park – London

So the thing goes like this; me, Ross and Bromley met up with Jack and Dan in Brixton. The plan was to go to some huge bank in south London, but fuck! just started to rain. so where to go? fuck it, lets go to Meanwhile park, where there’s the infamous “Gonz gap”.