KAMPSA II DIY – End of Summer party 2013

October 5th, time to say bye to the summer, because winter is very rainy in the Basque Country and the sun and summer are so valued for us.

Kevin Campbell. Frontside air. Photo: Hector Heredia "Chetos"

Kampsa Freak Carnival – Basque country

On February 16th, we celebrated the Kampsa Freak Carnival at Kampsa skatepark in Basque Country. A fun and friendly session with guys from Bilbao, Pamplona and some towns around San Sebastian, seasoned with beers and fun costumes. – Chetos

Kampsa II on Fire – Basque Country

Kampsa II On Fire is a photo shoot that came up during one of the many filming sessions for the “20 years Kampsa” documentary which will see the light very soon. Thanks to some powerful spotlights, a fog machine and all the Kampsa people, we got a spectacular session.