OMSA crew grinds down the NorthBrigade

Although not all these guys are officially part of the OMSA crew, skaters from Germany, Basque country and England got together for a proper shred in the newly rebuilt NorthBrigade skatepark in Cologne, Germany. Although these tricks aren’t the gnarliest you’ve seen, keep in mind most of these guys are over 45 and a couple of them over 50. Let’s see you do a double truck 50-50 grind in a tight pocket when you’re 50!

Oasis skatepark – Las Arenas, Basque country

Again, unity is strength, so a CREW united by the skate is unstoppable. Twenty people willing to work to improve the image of your skatepark, an OASIS result in the middle of the city, a delight, cement painted bright colors, a light source, a breath of fresh air, new motivation, bueno…